Mobile App Development
Mobile App Development

Mobile App Development

We do develop mobile applications for mobile devices. They include personal digital assistants, enterprise digital assistants, or mobile phones. We will build customized applications for your business for better IT solutions. Mobile applications are equally important for Multi-purpose and secure transactions. Innovative applications to the users fulfill the demand of the business as a whole. We will be helping you with this.For mobile devices, we do create mobile applications. Mobile phones, personal digital assistants, and business digital assistants are some examples. For better IT solutions, we will create applications specifically designed for your company. Mobile applications are essential for both secure and multipurpose transactions. Innovative user interfaces satisfy the needs of the business as a whole. We will support you in this.

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how we charge

Mobile App Packages


RS. 40,000

    1. 24/7 Support
    2. CMS website design
    3. Responsive & Interactive Design
    4. Number of pages / menus / categories as per initial requirement
    5. Search Engine friendly
    6. Social Media Integration
    7. Advanced Real Time Search
    8. CSV Import Of Product
    9. Advance Product Offer
    10. Blog Design
      • Checkout Easy
      • Static/Dynamic
      • Single Vendor/Multi Vendor
      • Support Avaiable
      • Shopping Cart
      • Logo Design
      • Payement Integration
      • Custom Website
      • Newsletter Subscription


RS. 60,000

    1. 24/7 Support
    2. CMS website design
    3. Responsive & Interactive Design
    4. Number of pages/menus/categories as per initial requirement
    5. Search Engine friendly
    6. Social Media Integration
    7. Advanced Real Time Search
    8. CSV Import Of Product
    9. Advance Product Offer
    10. Blog Design
      • Checkout Easy
      • Static/Dynamic
      • Single Vendor/Multi Vendor
      • Support Avaiable
      • Shopping Cart
      • Logo Design
      • Payement Integration
      • Custom Website
      • Newsletter Subscription


RS. 70,000

    1. 24/7 Support
    2. CMS website design
    3. Responsive & Interactive Design
    4. Number of pages / menus / categories as per initial requirement
    5. Search Engine friendly
    6. Social Media Integration
    7. Advanced Real Time Search
    8. CSV Import Of Product
    9. Advance Product Offer
    10. Blog Design
      • Checkout Easy
      • Static/Dynamic
      • Single Vendor/Multi Vendor
      • Support Avaiable
      • Shopping Cart
      • Logo Design
      • Payement Integration
      • Custom Website
      • Newsletter Subscription

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